8.2 NSS Utilities (Rights Utility)

You can use the Rights command line utility to view and assign trustee rights on the junctions for eDirectory users and Active Directory users.

Lists Trustees on the Junctions

Syntax: rights –Sf <junction_name> show

Example: rights –Sf junc_map_dir show

This command displays a list of trustees for the junction junc_map_dir.

Assign Trustees to Junctions for eDirectory Users

Syntax: rights -r <trustee_rights> -f <junction_name> trustee <username_FDN format> -a –S

Example: rights -r rwcf -f junc_map_dir trustee joe.engineer.acme_tree -a –S

This command assigns Read, Write, Create rights, and File Scan on the junction junc_map_dir for user Joe in the engineer context of the acme_tree eDirectory tree.

Assign Trustees to Junctions for Active Directory Users

Syntax: rights -r <trustee_rights> -f <junction_name> trustee <ADdomain/username> -a –S

Example: rights -r rwcf -f junc_map_dir trustee NETBIOSNameOfDomain\\joe -a –S

This command adds Read, Write, Create rights, and File Scan on the junction junc_map_dir for the active directory user named Joe with the domain whose netbios name is NETBIOSNameOfDomain.