10.8 Viewing VLDB Service Details for a Replica Site

The Details page for a replica site reports information about its VLDB service. You can modify the following settings from the Details page:

  • Run VLDB service on server restart

  • The location of the VLDB database file

  • The number of requested processing threads (1 to 16 threads)

The Details report includes the following information:

Table 10-2 VLDB Service Details for a DFS Replica Site



Replica Site

The typeless fully distinguished name of the selected VLDB service replica site, such as context.exampledomain.


The current date and time (Month dd, yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM ZZZ).

Management Context

The management context of the selected VLDB service replica site.

Replica Sites

The common names of the servers that are replica sites for the management context, such as DFSSVR1 and DFSSVR2.


Current operational state of the service (running, stopped, or broken).

  • A running service responds to all user requests but does not do certain repair operations.

  • A stopped service rejects normal volume operations but can perform low-level repair operations.

  • A broken service rejects normal volume operations and must be repaired.


Build version of the running software. If this server is configured as a VLDB server, and the VLDB is currently running, these fields display the software version and current state of the service.

This information is necessary if you need to contact Novell Support.

Build Date

Date that the running software was built.

This information is necessary if you need to contact Novell Support.

Service Load Time

Time and date that the running service was loaded into memory on your server.

Run VLDB Service on Server Restart


Select this option to start the VLDB service automatically when the server is restarted.

Deselect this option if you want to start the VLDB service manually or in a cluster environment.

If you change the setting, make sure to click OK to apply the change before you leave the Details page.

If the VLDB is configured in a cluster configuration with Novell Cluster Services, the cluster load script loads the VLDB service. In this case, you must deselect the check box here, and add the appropriate vldb commands to the load and unload scripts. For clustering instructions, see Section 4.2, Clustering the VLDB Service.

VLDB Repair Information

Information about the currently running repair operation (if any) and the most recently completed repair operation.

VLDB Requests

Number of operations that the service has processed since it was most recently started.

Database Entries

Number of volume entries that have been created, deleted, or modified since the service was most recently started.

Back End Database


The location on the replica server where the VLDB database file is stored. The default location is the /var/opt/novell/dfs directory.

Typically, the location never changes. However, you can optionally change the VLDB database location to a different NSS volume on the same replica server. The destination volume can be in the same or different pool.

If you change the location, make sure to click OK to apply the change before you leave the Details page. The database file is automatically moved to the new location. No VLDB repair is necessary.



Displays the number of processing threads configured for the service (Requested) and the number actually running (Running). The number of running threads can vary because of lack of memory on the server, or because the number of running threads is in the process of changing to meet the requested number.

If you change the setting, make sure to click OK to apply the change before you leave the Details page.

Range: 1 (default) to 16

The Refresh setting for the Details report is shared with the one on the Replica Sites page. If you change the Refresh value on either page, it affects both pages.

To access the details for a replica site:

  1. In iManager, select Distributed File Services > Manage Replica Sites.

  2. Select any server with an NSS volume that is located in the DFS management context that you want to manage.

    This action locates the DFS management context, lists the replica servers in that context that host an instance of the VLDB service, and reports the current status of the VLDB service on each replica.

  3. Do one of the following to view details for a replica site:

    • Click the Name link of the replica site.

    • Select the check box next to the replica site that you want to manage, then click Actions > Details.

  4. On the Replica Site Details page, do one or more of the following:

    • View information about the selected replica site.

    • Click Print to print a printer-friendly version of the report.

    • Modify settings if desired, then click OK to accept the changes and close the report.