6.42 Pause Move

pause move <move_name | pool_name>

Temporarily pause the mirroring for a specified pool move. While the move is paused, the pool move status is reported as Not Enabled.

nlvm [nlvm_options] pause move  <move_name | pool_name>

The move command uses NSS software RAID mirroring underneath to copy the data to the target location. If server performance is too slow during a move, you can use this command to temporarily pause the mirroring. For example, you can pause the move during the server’s peak usage times, and resume the move during the server’s off-peak usage times.

Use the nlvm resume move command to resume mirroring for the pool move.

Command Option


Mandatory. Specify the name of the pool move that you want to pause. The move name typically looks like POOLNAME_move.

pool _name

Mandatory. Specify the name of the NSS pool that is being moved.



Command Example

nlvm pause move MYPOOL1

Temporarily pause the mirroring for the pool move for the pool MYPOOL1.