6.45 RAID

raid <raid_action> <raid_name>

Perform actions on an NSS software RAID device.

nlvm [nlvm_options] raid <raid_action> <raid_name>

RAID Actions

abort <raid_name>

Abort the restripe or remirror currently in progress on the specified NSS software RAID. If the restripe/remirror is complete, the command has no effect.


nlvm raid abort MYRAID1
delete <raid_name>

Delete a single element mirror from a pool, and leave the pool on the corresponding partition. This applies for RAID 1 (mirror) objects only.

This is a duplicate of the nlvm delete raid command, but it is added here for support reasons. This command removes only a single element mirror object.


nlvm raid delete MYRAID1
disable <raid_name>

Disable an NSS software RAID device from remirroring or restriping on this server, and do not allow stamp updates to occur.

This command is used in Novell Cluster Services clusters to disable an NSS software RAID device that is active on another node.


nlvm raid disable MYRAID1
enable <raid_name>

Enable a RAID device to remirror or restripe on this server. This enables an NSS software RAID device that was disabled by using the nlvm raid disable command.

This command is used in Novell Cluster Services clusters to enable an NSS software RAID device for this node. It is important that the RAID device be enabled on only one node at a time.

WARNING:Use caution when in a cluster configuration to avoid possible corruption that can occur if the RAID is enabled on multiple nodes at the same time.


nlvm raid enable MYRAID1
force <raid_name>

Force a single element mirror to be in sync. This condition can occur if a mirror element was removed, and the last element shows that it is not in sync due to a crash after a successful remirror. This command is only valid on NSS software RAID 1 (mirror) devices.

If you have a single element RAID 1 where the element shows out of sync, you can alternatively put it into sync (if you feel that it has all of the data) by selecting the Restripe (F6) function on the Software RAID page in NSSMU.

WARNING:If a remirror has not completed successfully on this element, using the nlvm raid force command causes the element to look in sync, but the data is not there, and is corrupt. Use this command only if you know that a remirror was completed successfully on this element.


nlvm raid force MYRAID1
pause <raid_name>

Pause a remirror process to allow other I/O to happen during a heavy I/O process. This command is valid only on NSS software RAID 1 (mirror) devices. Because remirroring can cause many I/Os to the devices, a pause allows other I/Os to happen more quickly.

The device must be resumed again by using the nlvm raid resume command. The pause is intended to be used only for a short time.


nlvm raid pause MYRAID1
remirror <raid_name>

Restart a remirror or restripe process on the specified NSS software RAID device that has either been aborted or has failed.


nlvm raid remirror MYRAID1
nlvm raid remirror MYRAID5
resume <raid_name>

Resume a remirror process that was paused by using the nlvm raid pause command. This command is valid only on NSS software RAID 1 (mirror) devices.


nlvm raid resume MYRAID1
status [raid_name]

Check the status on one or all NSS software RAID devices. The name is optional. If a name is specified, it returns detailed status for the given RAID device. If the name is omitted, it returns the status for all the NSS software RAID devices on the server.


nlvm raid status MYRAID1
nlvm raid status

Command Option


Mandatory where specified. Specify the name of the NSS software RAID device to be acted upon.


Sample Command Responses
Sample 1: RAID Status During a Remirror
nlvm raid status LH_DFS01_01_R1

 LH_DFS01_01_R1 is remirroring at 9%
 --> D1_LH-DFS01-1_part1.1  (100%)  In Sync
 --> D2_LH-DFS01-1_part1.1  (9%)  Out of Sync
Sample 2: RAID Status During a Remirror on a Cluster Node where the RAID Is Not Active
nlvm raid status

 LH_DFS01_01_R1 is remirroring at 5%
 LH_DFS02_R1 is Synchronized
 tst-nda04150cl.sbd is not active on this node