9.6 Clearing Not-Logged-In Connections to NCP Server

If users cannot connect to the server, all the licensed user connections might be in use. You can view and clear the connections of users with active connections that are not logged in to the server.

To clear connections to the NCP Server for users that are not logged in:

  1. In OES Remote Manager, click Manage NCP Services > Manage Connections to open the Connection Manager page.

  2. In the Connection Listing, click the Sort icon Sort Icon for the Name column so that all Not Logged In connections are grouped together.

  3. Review the Not Logged In connections to determine which ones you want to clear.

  4. (Optional) Click the Name link for a specific connection to view more details about it.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • Clear All Not Logged in Connections: Under Connection Information, click the Clear All “Not Logged In” Connections link.

    • Clear One or Multiple Not Logged In Connections: Under Connection Listing, select the check box next to the specific Not Logged In connections you want to clear, then click Clear ALL Marked Connections.