16.12 Viewing Device Information for a Pool

  1. In iManager, click Storage > Pools.

    For instructions, see Section 10.1.5, Accessing Roles and Tasks in iManager.

  2. Select a server to manage.

    For instructions, see Section 10.1.6, Selecting a Server to Manage.

    When the page refreshes, a list of pools appears in the Pools list.

  3. In the Pools list, select a pool.

    Wait for the page to refresh and display the pool’s details in the Details area.

  4. To view the list, in the Details area, click the arrow on the Devices drop-down list.

  5. (Optional) Select the device, then click View Details to view its details.

    The Devices page opens with the server and device preselected. Wait for the page to refresh to view the device’s details.

For information about device management, see Managing Devices.