2.1 What is Backed Up

There are five components to a Retain Server.

  1. The Retain software (executable)

    This is not backed up by Reload for Retain, but you should have a copy since Retain needed to be installed on the Reload for Retain server. It may be an older version, you can get the correct version from the Retain Website or Technical support, if needed.

  2. The Retain Base Directory contents

    The Base Directory contents is backed up by Reload for Retain

    The Base Directory contents are not critical components to back up, but it is better that you do.

    You will see directories off of the Base Directory with names such as: ebdb, export, backup etc.

    Reload for Retain keeps the Base Directory content backups on the Reload server at the following location:

    [Reload/Retain Backup Storage Path]/backups/[day]/base_data

  3. The Retain Database

    Reload for Retain only backs up MySQL databases.

    Please assure that you have a backup solution for your Retain database even if Reload for Retain is not backing up your Retain database.

    If your Retain database is not backed up, your Retain system cannot be recreated in any manner without the Retain database.

    The Retain database could be on the Retain server or on a separate server from the Retain server.

    Reload for Retain keeps the MySQL dumps on the Reload server at the following location:

    [Reload/Retain Backup Storage Path]/backups/[day]/mysql_backup

  4. The Retain Archive Files

    Reload for Retain backs up Retain Archive Files by looking for their existence via a query to the Retain Database

    Retain Archive BLOB (Binary Large OBject) Files are kept amongst 16.7 Million Directories under the Retain archive location

    All blob files are referenced in the Retain Database. As far as Retain is concerned, a blob file that is not registered in the Retain Database does not exist.

    The Retain Archive location can be partitioned into additional Retain Archive locations. Here is how it works:

    The Retain Archive location for the first Retain Archive Partition is defined in the Retain Configuration file called "ASConfig.cfg".

    Additional Retain Archive locations are defined under "Storage Manager" in Retain Server Administration

    Reload for Retain backs up Retain Archive Files to the following location on the Reload Server:

    [Reload/Retain Backup Storage Path]/archive_data/[partition number]

    If you have only one partition in Retain, then everything is in the archive_1 directory. If you have more then one partition then the second partition would go into partition_2 and so on.

  5. The Retain Indexes

    Reload for Retain backs up Retain Indexes.

    Retain creates Indexes that enable the Search functionality it Retain. The Retain Indexes are derived from the content of the Retain Database and the Retain Archive Files.

    Reload for Retain backs up Retain Index Files to the following location on the Reload Server:

    [Reload/Retain Backup Storage Path]/index_data/index

  6. Other Items

    Reload for Retain will also store additional data about the backup in grb_data which is gwava retain backup data that reload uses for itself.