3.1 System Requirements

Reload for Retain is a backup system and will use significant amounts of disk space.

The Reload for Retain server will need to be able to support Reload for Retain and Retain and all the data and copies of the data.

3.1.1 Retain Versions

  • Retain 4.x or higher.

3.1.2 Supported OS versions

The Reload server must be run on the Linux platform, but it backs up Retain servers on Linux or Windows platforms.

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 (SLES12) 64-Bit.

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 (SLES11) 64-Bit.

3.1.3 Memory

Retain requires a minimum of 12GB of RAM.

3.1.4 CPU


The Reload server only supports the Intel Platform x-86 Platform.


The faster the better; SMP is not to be considered a requirement, however, testing of Reload on SMP has shown that Reload is benefited by SMP.

3.1.5 Disk

Disk space must be carefully considered for each Reload for Retain Server. When the Reload server reaches the error threshold for disk space, it will no longer create backups. Make sure the target system has plenty of space to accommodate the needs of your Reload backups.

Disk speed directly impacts Reload performance. A disk that is tuned for fast writes to disk is highly recommended and will improve performance. When considering disk space requirements, also take into account future growth of GroupWise post offices, and the space that will be required to sustain that growth.

If Reload runs out of hard disk space, backups will no longer be created. A Reload profile has a threshold of days to keep in hot backups. This can help prevent systems from running out of disk space.

Disk Space on The Reload Server

The disk space may reside on the Reload server or on a SAN. The requirements of the disk solution are as follows:

  • The disk solution should always be mounted for use with Reload.

  • The disk solution should be formatted with a Linux based file system, specifically a file system that supports symbolic links.

  • If the disk is not a SAN, but a NAS solution for example, the mount should be an NFS mount. No other protocol other than NFS.

Calculating Disk Space

The rule of thumb is 1.13-1.2 times the existing data space on the Retain server for the Reload for Retain server. This will allow the copying the archives, database, indexes and configuration files, and a 14-day backup cycle for the database.

Reload for Retain stores the following data from the Retain Server:

Retain Base Directory contents (A few megabytes).

The Retain Database - Ratio: 1:2.4 (14 Days worth of Backups).

If using MySQL, consider using a Master/Slave configuration of MySQL so that the Retain Database can be replicated in real-time. The size of the Slave MySQL Database will be the same size as the Master MySQL Database because the Slave is a duplicate replica of the MySQL Database on the Master.

Reload for Retain can perform MySQL Dumps of the Retain database. Each dump of the Retain Database is approximately 10% of the actual size of the database. The reason for this is that the MySQL Dump is compressed into a zip file. Example: The Retain database is 100 Gigabytes Allocate 100 GB on the Reload for Retain Server In order to keep 14 days worth of dumps, allocate 140 GB on the Reload for Retain Server to store the dumps.

The Retain Archive (blob files) - Ratio: 1:1.

The Retain Archive files are replicated in their entirety. Retain can maintain multiple Retain Archive partitions. Make sure to allocate disk space on the Reload for Retain Server for all Retain Archive Partitions.

The Retain Indexes - Ratio: 1:1.

Generally, only one copy of the Retain Indexes (the latest version of the Indexes) is necessary.