4.2 Configuring the R&M Server

After the server is installed, do the following:

  1. On an administrative workstation, open a supported administrative web browser.

  2. Open Retain’s adminstration console http://RetainServer-IP-or-DNS/RetainServer.

  3. Browse to Configuration > Reporting and Monitoring.

  4. Configure the R&M Server as outlined in the following table.

    NOTE:Most R&M deployments require few if any modifications, except to Notification tab settings.

    Table 4-1 Configuring the Reporting and Monitoring Server


    Information or Action

    Core Settings Tab


    Basics Panel


    • Days to retain job information

    1. Specify how long the R&M server retains job information.

      Default is 14 days. Maximum allowed value is 90 days.


    • Run maintenance at (hour)

    1. Specify what time R&M maintenance runs each day.

      Default is 0200 or 2 AM.


    • Update interval for Server Statistics (minutes)

    1. Specify how often server statistics, such as CPU usage, disk storage, and so on are collected.

      Default is every 10 minutes.


    • Update interval for Archive Statistics (minutes)

    1. Specify how often archiving statistics such as messages archived, messages processed, errors, and so on are collected.

      Default is every 10 minutes.


    • Accept Server connections only from these IP addresses

    1. To limit connections to the R&M server to only specified IP Addresses, type the addresses separated by commas.

      All connections are allowed by default.


    • Do not expire inactive sessions

    1. Select (enable) this to prevent inactive data collection sessions from expiring.

      This is useful in conjunction with the Monitoring page.

      Default is disabled (inactive sessions expire).


    • Disable the disk usage statistics

    1. Deselect (disable) this to prevent Archive Size from being listed in the Server Utilization report.

      Default is enabled (size is listed in the report).


    • Disable the number of messages statistics

    1. Select (enable) this to prevent the Total Messages Stored number from appearing on the Reporting and Monitoring dashboard. This is useful if collecting the total is impacting your system’s performance.

      Default is disabled (total is collected and displayed).


    Interval Panel



    • Poll for configuration change

    1. Specify how often (in minutes) the R&M server checks with the Retain server for retrieving new statistics.

      Value must be between 5 and 255. Default is 10.

    Logging Tab


    • Logging enabled

    1. Use this to enable and disable logging.

      Default is enabled.


    • Log level

    1. You can change the logging level if required.

      Best practice is to not change this unless Support directs you to. Levels are: Diagnostic (Trace), Verbose (Debug), Normal (info), and Error only.

      Default is Normal (Info).


    • Compress Logs

    1. Deselect this to disable log file compression.

      By default, the system compresses log files to save disk space.


    • Remove Old Logs

    1. You can prevent log files from being discarded by disabling this option. However, you should only do this temporarily.

      By default, old logs are removed after a set number of days (see the next field).


    • When age exceeds (days)

    1. Use this to specify how long log the server retains its log files.

      Default is 10 days.

    Connection Tab



    IMPORTANT:If your Retain system uses HTTPS, the web server must use a full TLS certificate chain signed by a trusted third-party Certificate Authority.

    The chain must include both server and intermediate certificates.

    Self-signed certificates do not work.


    Connection from R&M Server to Retain Server Panel



    IMPORTANT:Do not change these system-created connection settings unless the Retain Server requires a modified connection path, such as a custom port.


    • Server Protocol

    1. Select the protocol (http or https) for communications from the R&M server to the Retain server.


    • Retain Server Host Name

    1. Specify the DNS host name of the Retain server.


    • Retain Server Port

    1. Specify the port on which the R&M server communicates with the Retain server.


    • Retain Server Path

    1. Specify where Retain is installed on the server.


    • R&M Server Password

    1. Specify the Admin user password to the R&M server.


    Connection from Retain Server to R&M Server Panel



    IMPORTANT:Do not modify these system-created connection settings unless you have created custom connection settings.

    • Server Protocol

    1. Select the protocol (http or https) for communications from the Retain server to the R&M server.


    • R&M Server Host Name

    1. Specify the DNS host name of the R&M server.


    • R&M Server Port

    1. Specify the port on which the Retain server communicates with the R&M server.


    • R&M Server Path

    1. Specify where Reporting and Monitoring is installed on the server.

    Connection from Browser to R&M Server Panel



    These settings specify the connection when the browser is redirected from Retain server links to the R&M server.

    • Server Protocol

    1. Select the protocol (http or https) for communications from the browser to the R&M server.


    • R&M Server Host Name

    1. Specify the DNS host name of the R&M server.


    • R&M Server Port

    1. Specify the port on which the browser communicates with the R&M server.


    • R&M Server Path

    1. Specify where Reporting and Monitoring is installed on the R&M server.

    Notification Tab

    By default, this tab reflects the settings specified for the Retain server.

    You can retain the same settings or specify new ones for the R&M server.

    Notification Panel



    • SMTP Mail Server

    1. Specify the DNS hostname (preferred) or IP address of the SMTP server that Retain should use for emailing notifications.


    • SMTP Security Protocol

    1. Select the security protocol setting Retain uses for communications with the SMTP server: unencrypted, SSL, or TLS.


    • SMTP Port

    1. Specify the port on which Retain communicates with the SMTP server.


    • SMTP Mail From Address

    1. Specify the From address shown on the messages that Retain sends.


    • SMTP To Address

    1. Specify the address to which Retain sends notifications through the SMTP server.


    • SMTP Username

    1. Specify the username for authenticating with the SMTP server.


    • SMTP Password

    1. Specify the password for the username.


    • Test Connection button

    1. Click this to test the connection with the SMTP server. If the test succeeds, an email message is received in the SMTP To Address mailbox.

    Bootstrap Tab

    This tab appears after the configuration is saved.


    • Download File link

    HINT:To easily download and then upload the bootstrap file, access both the Retain server and the R&M server on the same machine.

    1. Use this button to download the R&M server’s bootstrap file.

    2. Note where the file is downloaded.


    • URL to R&M server

    1. Click this link in the explanation that displays to access the R&M server for the first time.

    2. Log in using the Retain admin username and password.

    3. On the R&M server’s initial webpage, browse to the saved bootstrap file and select it.

    4. Click Continue to upload the bootstrap file.

    5. After the bootstrap file is uploaded, users with the Access Reporting and Monitoring Server right can access the R&M server.