OpenText Retain CE 24.2 Release Notes

April 2024

Retain provides organizations with legal compliance and litigation protection. It frees up disk space on messaging systems. It enhances message-data management. It allows you to archive and store messages and data from messaging systems and phones. Retain allows the administrators to manage archived messages, review archive status and activity, and generate reports on archived messages and data. For a detailed overview of Retain, see OpenText Retain CE 24.2: How Retain Works.

1.0 What’s New

This section summarizes the new features and enhancements in the Retain 24.2 release and its patches.

1.1 The subcategories under Data Collection and Data Removal are now listed in an alphabetical order

Every Schedule, Profile, Worker, Worker Group, and Job names are now displayed in alphabetical order. If there is more than one module configured, when expanding Profiles and Jobs, the sub-list under it is also displayed in alphabetical order.

1.2 The zookeeper path placement on the UI is changed

The Zookeeper path configuration for a fresh install has been moved from the 'Storage' tab to the 'Indexing Engine' tab. On the Server Configuration page, the Zookeeper path is displayed and grayed out under the 'Index' tab. However, it can be modified under 'Advanced Settings' on the 'Storage' tab. It is advised not to change the Zookeeper path. For more information, see Storage Tab in the OpenText Retain CE 24.2 : Configuration and Administration guide.

1.3 The term 'Total processed messages' in the Job Error Report email is changed

In the job Error Report summary email, the field label 'Total processed messages' is changed to 'Total new messages archived'. The count displayed represents the number of new messages that have been archived.

1.4 Indexing Threads

An option is provided in the Index tab that allows you to change the indexing thread value. The default value is 25. The value range is between 4 to 999.

The number of indexing threads recommend is 25 threads for every 2 CPU cores. Ontesting a system with 16 cores with 200 threads, it never maxed out the CPU, and stayed around 75% utilization while indexing. The bottle neck is when disk IO once the system hit 150 to 200 threads no matter how many CPU cores you have. For more information, see Indexing Thread in the OpenText Retain CE 24.2 : Configuration and Administration guide.

1.5 Enhancements made to the Search page

  • Navigation in Browse and Search pages is improved - A scroll bar appears on the left panel of the browse and search page when its content exceeds the visible area. This allows users to scroll through the items in the left panel independently, without affecting the content in the right panel (search results).

  • The sorting mechanism implemented in the browse tab on the search page - A sorting mechanism similar to that on the search results page has been added to the browse page results.

1.6 Platform Support

The following are the changes in the system matrix:

  • GroupWise version 24.1 and 24.2

  • Open Enterprise Server 24.1.1

2.0 Installing Retain 24.2

For planning and installation instructions, see the OpenText Retain CE 24.2: Installation and Upgrade guide.

3.0 Upgrading to Retain 24.2

The supported upgrade path is from Retain version 4.11,, 23.2, 23.3, 23.4, 24.1 or 24.1.1 to Retain version 24.2. For more information, see Upgrading to Retain 23.4 and Later in the OpenText Retain CE 24.2: Installation and Upgrade guide.

4.0 Issues Resolved in Retain 24.2

The following are the various issues reported by Retain customers and discovered in internal testing.

Table 1 Fixed in Retain 24.2

Issue Number



The search option on the browse tab was not working in Retain 24.1

5.0 Known Issues

The following are known issues in the Retain 24.2 release.

Retain Outlook Plugin does not support the Microsoft 365- New Outlook view

The Retain Outlook plugin supports Microsoft 365- classic view, but the Microsoft 365-New Outlook view is not supported

Unable to Search with File Extension

Search with file extension not working with solr 9 support.

Remote Stats server authentication fails

Remote Stats server authentication fails after you upgrade to Retain 23.4. To resolve the issue delete the StatsConfiguration.cfg file from the remote stats server <basepath>/RetainStatsServer/WEB-INF/cfg path, restart the Tomcat service and upload the bootstrap configuration file.

Retain Plugin for GroupWise WebAccess Limitation

The Retain Plugin for GroupWise WebAccess does not work in GroupWise version 18.3 and later.

Possible Android Archiving Issue

  • OpenText has received unverified reports that SMS/MMS messages from new Android devices that have RCS enabled might not be achieved. If you experience a problem in archiving, contact Retain Support.

  • When the Retain Service Android app pushes data to the Retain REST Server for archival, the archive process fails if the sender or recipient of the message/call item contains special characters such as ampersand (&).

6.0 Contact OpenText