4.17 How to setup an EXT3 partition with more iNodes

Retain needs to store a very large number of generally very small files usually one a few kilobytes in size. It is recommended to use XFS or EXT4 on a Linux system.

Retain says it is out of disk space but Linux shows it has space available. The iNodes are all used up. How can you set up a EXT3 partition to handle more iNodes?

One way to check for the inodes is to run a df command with the -i switch:

ExampleServer:~ # df -i

Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on /dev/sda2 2526384 247430 2278954 10% /

This issue is most likely caused because of a change made with SLES 11. This link will explain what happened and how to change this behavior.