6.7 Performing Retain Searches Within The GroupWise Client

Once GroupWise and the Stubbing server is configured to this point, it is possible to use the Retain Stubbing Server to allow GroupWise to search the Retain archive from the GroupWise client.

GroupWise client only performs whole-word searches. For example, searching for "wel" will only return messages with the word "wel" in them. Retain performs begins-with searches "wel*" and will return "wel", "well", "welcome" and so on.

NOTE:GroupWise client is hard-coded to search only up to 5 years in an archive search.

6.7.1 Prerequisites

Setup Stubbing Server as above. However, do NOT enable stubbing in the Retain Profile.

In the GroupWise client click on the search magnifying glass icon. Under the Find tab you'll see an External Archive for the user that is the Retain archive.

In Online mode, click the checkbox to enable the External Archive search.

In Caching mode, you will also have to set Look in to Online data.

Now a search will search not only the GroupWise mailbox but also the Retain mailbox. The Retain ones will show the empty circle stubbing icon for the messages it has.