9.3 Installation

The Retain Publisher installation is very similar to the Viewer installation. Basic questions are asked, and the installer checks for .NET 3.5 SP1 before copying or installing any files. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

Read and accept the license agreement. Select ‘Next’ to continue.

The installer checks for any programs that need to be closed for installation. Close any applications specified and click ‘Next’. Otherwise you will need to choose which users to install the software to.

Select the scope of the install

Select which components to install.

The Publisher installation provides the option to install the viewer alongside the publisher. If the viewer has already been installed, this is not necessary. It is recommended to have both the viewer on the same machine as the publisher. To only install the viewer, unselect the publisher. Select the desired setting and click ‘Next’ to continue.

Select the install location. The default is shown. If the default location does not work for the system, browse to, or specify the desired install location.

Select whether to create shortcuts or not. Default is to not create shortcuts. Select the check box to create shortcut(s) on the Desktop.

Click ‘Install’ to begin installation.

Wait for installation to complete.

After install has completed, select ‘Finish’.