9.10 Migration Process

To migrate an archive or set of archives:

9.10.1 Users File Generation

When a user list is generated, the migration tool will attempt to locate the GUID based on the connection information in the Migration Context.

If the GUID isn't found in the mail system, the archive data will be used to determine the correct ID.

If both methods fail, you have the option to generate a unique ID by right-clicking on the user. Generating a random ID should always be the last option.

WARNING:If an ID is generated for a user that has already been archived in Retain under another ID, duplicate accounts may be created.

Once the tool is configured it will attempt to load the users. To create the list manually:

  • Click Tools | Generate Users File | Generate Users File: The tool will connect to the selected mail system and create a CSV file of all users.

The tool will generate a list of users and request a file save location.

Green means that the user's email address was found in Retain.

Purple means that the user's email address was not found in Retain.

The file will contain the following information:

  • "userID";"userPostOffice";"userDomain";"userEmail";"userDisplayName";"userType";"uuid";"userFolderPath";"status"

9.10.2 Select Users to Migrate

Click on the checkbox to select individual users or Select all for all users.

You may also use the contextual menu by right-clicking

Start the migration: Click the Start Migration button at the bottom of the tool

The migration tool will display statistics on the number of successfully archived messages, number of errors, users being migrated, the status of each user (done, migrating, queued, etc.) and how long the migration for that user took.

If a Running migration is stopped, (by pressing the ‘stop’ button), it may be resumed simply by migrating the user again. The tool maintains a record of progress of users. If a user needs to be completely re-migrated, select the user and then select ‘Reset’ from the right-click menu to reset the migration status. The user will then be completely re-migrated.

Migration Complete

When the migration is complete the status for each user will be Done, with a number of Successful items and Errors.


You can view the detailed progress of the migration by enabling the Console from the Tools menu.

Disable Console Screen for best performance (recommended). The console exacts a performance hit,it is not recommended to leave the console open during the migration.

Click Tools | Show Console to toggle setting