Retain Server components reside:
Linux: /opt/beginfinite/retain/
Windows: [Drive]:/Program Files/Beginfinite/Retain
In this directory you find subdirectories named for the Retain components and support systems:
RetainStubServer, if installed
RetainStatServer, if installed (on this server), this component may be installed on a separate server.
RetainWorker if installed (on this server), this component may be installed on a separate server. N being the worker number if more than one worker is installed.
Logs are found in the /logs folder within the Tomcat folder.
To find your Retain system's storage path, log in to the Retain Server administration web interface (http://[ipaddress/DNS hostname]/RetainServer). Starting at the navigation pane on the left side under "Configuration", click on Server Configuration | Storage. Most customers leave it at the default setting under "Advanced Settings" of "Derive all file locations from the above base path", but you must click that checkbox to have it expand to show all the paths.
Other file locations can be found in the ASConfig file. ASConfig.cfg is stored in a directory off of your Retain installation:
Linux default: /opt/beginfinite/retain/RetainServer/WEB-INF/cfg
Windows default: [Drive]:\Program Files\Beginfinite\Retain\RetainServer\WEB-INF\cfg