10.4 Jobs

10.4.1 Starting a Job Manually

Jobs will start automatically at the date and time they are set to.

To start an archive job manually you need to:

  1. Select a Single Frequency Schedule for the job. Save Changes

  2. Go the selected single frequency schedule and set the time at least 1 minute into the past.

  3. Browse to the Worker Console <http://<Retain_Worker_Host>/RetainWorker

  4. Click the “ Refresh job cache now” button.

  5. The job will begin momentarily.

  6. Once a job has completed you can confirm the items are in the archive as described in Using Retain’s Archives.

10.4.2 Stopping a Job

A running job can be aborted.

Go to Jobs | Status tab. There will be an abort button visible. Press it and in a few moments the job should abort.

If after at least five minutes the job does not abort, you may want to consider killing the job.

Killing a Job

To kill a job, go to the Retain Worker Console and under the Status tab attempt to kill the job with the “Kill Job” button.

WARNING: Do NOT use this button if you have not already attempted to use the Abort Job button in Retain Server | Job | Status.

Alternatively, you can restart tomcat to stop a job.