4.10 QMS Module Manager

The QMS manager allows for the configuration of multiple QMS systems. This is designed for use with multiple organizations.

The 'Enable Processing' option must be activated or the QMS module will not function.

If a separate Quarantine system is needed for a separate organization, a new QMS may be created to service that organizational unit. To assign a new organization to a new QMS module, the organization must be created first. Once created, the new organization will be available under the 'Serviced OU set' option at the bottom of the configuration window.

A contact address for notifications of the new QMS and notes may be added. If none is added, the default administrator will receive the notifications.

Enable processing: Default enabled.

Contact email address: Enter an email address. Default, the default administrator will receive notifications.

Database: Select the database. Default Quarantine. Databases can be defined in System Management | Database Connections.

Module root path: Default, qms/data_store/

Notes: Enter description of the service.

Host server: Select the host server.

Fault tolerance priority: If there are multiple GWAVA servers if all are at the same priority they will share through round-robin. If at different priorities they are utilized from highest to lowest as they are fully loaded. Highest 1. Default 1.

Serviced OU set: Enable OUs to be serviced.