3.11 File System Rights

In Micro Focus Secure Messaging Gateway, roles define what abilities and rights any user has. The File Access Manager is the method by which the roles are fine tuned. File access determines which web pages any specific role can access.

If you do not know what you are doing in this interface, leave it alone; roles and rights of users can be messed-up quickly.

The Allow and Deny file path lists have the locations of the web pages in the interface. Allowing or Denying pages based on their path in the Micro Focus Secure Messaging Gateway file system allows administrators to fine-tune the interfaces that users have access to. If a page is to be modified, it is highly recommended to copy the page and modify the copy instead of potentially breaking a current interface file.

Unless you are comfortable writing and modifying PHP, this is an area which should not be changed.

File System Rights Interface

Admin interface

Generic interface

Message Tracker

Policy admin

Policy user

QMS interface

Allow file path list: The file paths the role is allowed access to.

Deny file path list: The file paths the role is denied access to.

Role Assignment: Which roles the file system access applies to.

Message Tracker

OU Supervisor

Policy Administrator

Policy User

QMS Administrator

QMS User

System Administrator