3.7 Templates

The Template Management provides access to the template pages for all the notifications, digests, and alerts that GWAVA may send.

Always create custom templates if changes need to be made. Default templates should never be modified. When there is an update to any default template, any changes will be overwritten.

3.7.1 Custom Templates

Each template has a default master file. Never modify this file, any modifications will be overwritten when default templates are updated by the upgrade system.

To customize these templates with a new icons, names, or layout, either create a new, custom template, or download and modify an existing template. It is highly recommended to name the modified template names something different than the existing template. While remote, there is a chance that the existing templates may be updated and custom changes overwritten if the name is left as default.

Service Dropdown menu

Select the service that will trigger the digest

Delivery Status notification

Notify service

Quarantine digest

Quarantine forward

System messages

Ham Report Signature

Spam Report Signature

Template variable keys

Available keys for personalizing digest messages are:








Upload: A new template may be uploaded to the system. This must be a PHP file.

Current File: Lists the current template being used by the service. The file can be downloaded by clicking on the download file icon.

Default Language: The languages made available in this drop down are determined by the languages selected in System Management | Languages.

To create a custom digest template

  1. Go to the Digest panel and Download the Current File: digest_master_en.php to your workstation.

  2. Rename the template to something straightforward such as digest_custom_en.php.

  3. Open the template in a text editor, customize the template as needed, and save when complete.

  4. Upload the new template to the next available Upload and select the Default radio button.

  5. Press Save to make it available.

Creating a template in a different language

For example, to create a German version of the digest template.

  1. Go into the Languages tab and select German as an available language.

  2. Go to the Digest panel and Download the Current File: digest_master_en.php to your workstation.

  3. Rename the template to something straightforward such as digest_master_de.php.

  4. Open the template in a text editor, translate it into German, and save when complete.

  5. Upload the new template to the next available Upload and change the language to German.

  6. Press Save to make it available.