3.9 URI Association

If you are setting up a multi-tenant deployment in a cloud infrastructure and want to enable auto-provisioning of organizations this is where that is setup.

Click on Add New to provision a new URI for an organization.

Assign to OU: Select the OU to provision. Setup an OU in Organization/Policy Management | Manage Organizations.

Self-provisioning: Enable this to allow users to set themselves up.

Provision reply address: Enter the reply address of the provisioning email.

Provision subject: Enter the subject of the provisioning email.

Password reset subject: Enter the subject of the password reset email.

Captcha client key: Enter the Captcha client key. Setup the captcha so bots will not be able to set themselves up in the system.

Captcha server key: Enter the Captcha server key. Setup the captcha so bots will not be able to set themselves up in the system.

Skin: A branded template can be created for each OU.

For captcha API


Accessibility and captcha:

Accessible CAPTCHA

The accessibility of Google’s No CAPTCHA