Determining Which Session File To Automatically Use

A session file tells the emulator how to connect to the mainframe. In some environments, and with emulators like Attachmate Extra, users on the network might have given their session file a unique name. This means that Terminal Launcher might need to be configured individually for each user.

Terminal Launcher includes an option that allows it to determine the last-used session file and start that mainframe configuration. This option reduces or eliminates the need to manually configure each user's environment when unique session filenames are used.

To configure Terminal Launcher to use the last-used configuration file, use the command %Latest in the Session Files section of Terminal Launcher. The following figure illustrates this option:

The Session Files section

This example entry causes Terminal Launcher to search the E!98\Sessions directory, looking for the .EDP file with the newest date and time. Terminal Launcher then launches that file with the emulator and connects to the mainframe.

If the file mainframe.edp had the most recent date and time in the Sessions directory, the command line would look like the following:

C:\Program Files\E!98\extra.exe c:\Program Files\E!98\Sessions\mainframe.edp