Installing the Virtual Channel Driver

Install the Virtual Channel Driver (VCD) on workstations, not on servers.

Workstations with the Citrix Client (ICA)

  1. Install the SecureLogin Citrix ICA VCD.

    Copy vdslssoN.dll from the vcd\ica directory to the ICA Client directory (for example, c:\program files\citrix\ica client).

  2. Register the SecureLogin Citrix ICA VCD.

    Make the following changes to the module.ini file located in the directory on the client workstation where the ICA Client is installed:

  3. Set up Microsoft Layer for Unicode on Windows 95/98/ME.

    If you are running Windows 9x/ME, copy unicows.dll from the \redistributable directory to your ICA Client directory (for example, c:\program files\citrix\ica client).

Workstations with the Terminal Server Client (RDP)

  1. Install the SecureLogin Terminal Server VCD by copying tsslsso.dll from the \vcd\rdp directory to the Windows system directory (for example, c:\winnt\system32).

  2. Register the SecureLogin Terminal Server VCD by double-clicking VCD\RDP\Terminal Server Driver registration on Client workstation.reg.

    IMPORTANT:  This is a per-user setting.