8.1 Overview

Secure Workstation locks a workstation when it isn’t being used. You can configure Secure Workstation to execute an administrator-specified lock action after a user-inactivity timeout or after an authentication device such as a smart card is removed.

Scenario: Inactivity Timeout. Secure Workstation is installed on Markus’ workstation. The timeout period is set for 10 minutes. Markus leaves his workstation to attend a department meeting. After 10 minutes, Secure Workstation locks Markus’ workstation. No one can access information on or through that workstation until Markus returns and unlocks it.

Scenario: An Authentication Device Is Removed. Claire is a nurse. Secure Workstation is installed on all the workstations that Claire uses. She logged in to the nursing station’s workstation by using a proximity card. Claire completes a report and then leaves to assist a patient. She removes the proximity card from the workstation. Secure Workstation shuts down the applications that Claire was using and logs Claire off.

Secure Workstation consists of the following components:

Secure Workstation is a post-login method. It is similar in some ways to the Workstation Access post-login method that shipped with NMAS 2.0. However, Secure Workstation is more secure than Workstation Access, and does not use a screen saver. Secure Workstation provides more features than Workstation Access.

Secure Workstation supports only Windows 2000 and later versions. Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, and other platforms are not supported.