To upgrade to Micro Focus Service Desk 7.3 from previous releases the device must meet the requirements described in Section 2.0, System Requirements.
Perform the following steps on the device:
Back up the existing database.
Uninstall the previous version of Micro Focus Service Desk that is installed on the device. For information on uninstalling Micro Focus Service Desk.
To unistall Micro Focus Service Desk from a device:
Locate the unistaller.jar file on the device.
For the default installation of Micro Focus Service Desk, file is available at the following locations on the device:
Linux: /usr/local/ServiceDesk/Uninstaller
Windows: C:\Program Files\Service Desk\Uninstaller\Uninstaller.jar
In the command prompt, change to the directory that contains the uninstaller.jar file.
Execute the shell> java -jar uninstaller.jar command to run the uninstaller.
Click Uninstall.
Download the new Micro Focus Service Desk installer. For more information on downloading the Service Desk installer, see Micro Focus Service Desk in Micro Focus Download website.
Run the new installer to install Micro Focus Service Desk in the same path you had previously installed. To run the new installer:
Locate the installer.jar file.
Run the java -jar Installer.jar command and complete the installation.
NOTE:During installation, overwrite the existing files in the folder.
Use a Web browser to open the following page on the device:
Replace DNS_name_or_IP_address_of_device with the DNS name or the IP address of the server on which the Micro Focus Service Desk has been installed and replace port with the port number used during the installation.
On the Application Setup page, specify the database details.
Click Test to ensure the database connection is correct.
Click Advanced.
Click Upgrade.
Click Upgrade again for the upgrade to proceed.
NOTE:Ensure that the database and the server devices are running and do not restart the device.
When the migration is complete, click Close. This will automatically save the upgrade task.
Login to Micro Focus Service Desk by using the role credentials.