Create a Manufacturer

Manufacturers are created and assigned to an Item Type to establish the distributor of the Type.


Creating a New Manufacturer

To create a new Manufacturer when creating a new Item Type:

  1. Leave the Manufacturer field blank

  2. Click the inline_add.png button

  3. Enter the Manufacturer name as well as any other details

  4. Click Save.
    The screen will return back to the Item Type Information window and display a confirmation that the Manufacturer has been created successfully.


Editing a Manufacturer

Existing Manufacturers can be modified within the Item Type screen.


To edit a Manufacturer:

  1. Select the Manufacturer from the list provided

  2. Select inline_edit.gif to open the Manufacturer information screen in Edit mode
    The system will inform the User that any changes made to the Manufacturer will undo any unsaved Item Type changes. Click OK to continue.


  3. Make the required changes

  4. Click Save
    The screen returns to the Item Type screen.

  5. Click Save and Done.
    The screen reverts to the Item Type list view.