Federation Tab

(This tab is only visible when two or more asset management tools are synched within AMIE as configured in Admin>Setup> AMIE tab.)


The Federation tab is used to build the Category Map, which allows for information sourced from multiple asset management systems for a single asset to be recorded against one Item in the CMDB. Based on the map built here, fields within the Item Details tab are populated when AMIE snapshots are applied to new or updated Items.


Creating a Category Map

Within the relevant Category:

  1. Go to the Federation tab

  2. Click Edit
    The system will open each field to display the asset management tools that are configured within AMIE, in the Admin>Setup>AMIE tab.

  3. Assign the asset tool source from the pop-up options for each field
    The Item Number, Item Type and Manufacturer are included for Categories.

  4. Defining a source for the Item Type and Manufacturer is mandatory

  1. Complete one or two of the Snapshot Merge fields
    The Snapshot Merge fields are used by the system to verify the identity of an Item across the asset management tools configured in AMIE, when synchronizing Item Details from multiple sources.

  2. Click Done.
