Item Information

After the Customer details are assigned to the Problem, an Item is assigned to the Problem. This assignment associates all the relationships of the Item, including service level agreements and assigned support Team, to the Problem.


If the Customer assigned to the Problem owns any Items they will be listed below the Find Item search box. By default, the list is defined by the All Assigned Items option. It is also possible to search by:

The list can be filtered using the Include Global* Items option. This will display Items that are available to all Users in the system, as they have not been assigned to a specific Customer or Organizational Unit. It can also be filtered using the Active Items Only option, which means only Items that are assigned an active lifecycle state are displayed if the option is checked.


Problem Item Assignment

To assign an Item to the Problem:

  1. Click the relevant Item link if listed below the Find Item search box
    Or, Search for an Item or Click inline_add.png to Create an Item

  1. When the Item is assigned to the Problem, click Next to move to the Details tab.
    The Classification and Description are now to be entered for the Problem.