Customer Tab

The first step in creating a new RFC requires that a Customer be assigned to the request. There are two ways to assign a Customer to an RFC, either search and select an existing Customer or create a new one.


Create an RFC for an existing Customer

To search for and assign a Customer who already exists in the system:

  1. Go to Change>Change Requests

  2. Click New

  3. Search and select a Customer
    Within the Find Customer field, enter any known Customer details or leave the search field blank to access the complete Customer List. If Custom Fields have been enabled in the Customer Information screen, the Advanced Search option can be used to search on data recorded within these fields.


  4. Click inline_search.png to search the Customer database

  5. Select the relevant Customer Name hyperlink to assign the Customer details to the RFC.
    The screen will open the Find Item field.

See: Advanced Search Options


Create an RFC for a new Customer

If the Customer does not exist within the system, an account can be created when entering the RFC:

  1. Select Change>Change Requests

  2. Click New

  3. Within the Find Customer field, select inline_add.png
    An expanded editable Customer Details form is displayed.

  4. Enter the Customer details

  5. Click Save
    The form will revert to a non-editable screen of the newly entered details.

  6. Click Next to assign an Item to the RFC. Or select Quick Call if a template is to be used.


Supported Org Units Only option

This option is visible within the Find Customer search field, if the logged in User has been assigned to support specific Organizational Units. Uncheck the option, if search results are to include Customers belonging to all Organizational Units recorded in the system.
