Item Information

After the Customer details are assigned to the RFC, an Item or Items are associated with the Request. This assignment sets all the relationships of the Item(s), including service level agreements and Team assigned to support the RFC.


If the Customer assigned to the RFC owns Items directly, they are listed below the Find Item search box. By default, the list is defined by the All Assigned Items option, but it is also possible to search by:

The list can be filtered using the Include Global* Items option. This will display Items that are available to all Users in the system, as they have not been assigned to a specific Customer or Organizational Unit. It can also be filtered using the Active Items Only option, which means only Items that are assigned an active lifecycle state are displayed if the option is checked.


Multi-Item Requests

The system also allows for multiple Items to be assigned to a Request during the Request creation process, if relevant. This results in separate RFCs being created for each Item assigned to the initial RFC, which are then displayed within the Related Requests window within the Change Request Information screen.


The Requests are managed as individual RFCs to cater for any special requirements relative to each Item.  For example, consider a situation where a Team rolls-out an update in an organization. In this instance, during the Request creation process multiple Items are assigned to a single RFC, which the system automatically allocates to separate RFCs that are then managed on an individual basis. This allows appropriate Teams/ Technicians to be assigned to the RFCs relative to their skill-set or departmental assignments. The implementation process more effectively differentiates between the tasks and Items being modified and ensures each Item has its own Audit Trail, Attachments and Notes for future reference.


Multi-Item Requests are listed as separate RFCs within the Change Requests List View, and can be accessed as a group with the Change Groups List View.


RFC Item Assignment

To assign an Item to the RFC:


  1. Click the relevant Item link if listed below the Find Item search box
    Or, Search for an Item or click inline_add.png to  Create an Item

  2. The option to create an Item is only available to Technicians if the system Administrator has enabled the Create Items option within the Setup>Privileges>User tab.


  1. Click Next to move to the Details tab if only one Item is to be assigned to the Request
    Or, select Add to assign additional Items. If Add is selected, a Request Selections window will be displayed that lists all the current Items assigned to the Request.


  2. Continue to add all the relevant Items to the Request and then select Next to move to the Details tab.
    Within the Details tab, the RFC is profiled by assigning a Classification and RFC Description.