7.1 Enabling HTTPS on Windows devices

To enable HTTPS on Windows devices, perform the following:

  1. Generate a self-signed certificate:

    1. Launch the command prompt.

    2. Go to the Java installation path. For example, C:\Program Files\Javajdk1.7.0_55\bin>

    3. Execute the keytool –genkey –alias xxxx –keyalg RSA command.

    4. Specify the password for keystore.

    5. Specify the hostname in the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) and organization details.

      After executing the keytool command, the keytool generates a public key and private key pair and stores it in the users folder.

    6. Copy the keystore file from the users folder to the root of your hard drive. Delete the tcnative-1.dll file from the $ServiceDesk/Server/bin folder to process the SSL requests.

  2. Enable SSL for Service Desk:

    1. To enable the SSL connection, enable HTTPS in the server.xml file located at $ServiceDesk/Server/conf#

    2. Add the Keystore password in the server.xml file.

      For the below example we have mentioned ‘novell’ as password. Remove the comment around node to enable SSL.


  3. Test the HTTPS URL.

    The application should be able to run on HTTPS using the https://localhost:8443 or https://<IP address>:8443 URL.

  4. Enable only HTTPS:

    1. Stop the LiveTime services.

    2. Open the Web.xml file located at C:\Program Files\ServiceDesk\Server\conf and add the following content before the </web-app> markup:

      <web-resource-name>Protected Context</web-resource-name>
      <!--auth-constraint goes here if you require authentication-->
  5. Restart the services.