8.1 Generating the Certificate Signing Request

To generate the Certificate Signing Request (CSR):

  1. Create a keystore, using the following command:

    keytool -genkey -alias nsdserver -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -keystore nsdserver.jks -dname "CN=srm-tst-nsd.zenworkslabs.com,OU=EPM, O=MicroFocus Inc., L=provo, ST=Utah, C=US

  2. Generate the CSR, using the following command:

    keytool -certreq -alias nsdserver -file srm-tst-nsd_zenworkslabs_com.csr -keystore nsdserver.jks

    The certificates need to be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA) to add into the trusted store.

  3. Save the signed certificate into a local drive or you can also save the certificates by creating a folder under \LiveTime\SS it will be will be easy to back up while upgrading to major versions of Service Desk.