Advanced Search Option

To search for a Customer or an Item based on custom field information, use the Advanced Search option. The Advanced Search enables the User to search on Customer or Item custom fields, if they have been enabled.


During request creation the option Advanced Search will be visible within the Find Customer and Find Item screens.



To use the search option:

  1. Tick the Advanced Search option
    For the Find Customer, a custom field list will appear. For Find Item, an Item Category drop-down list is displayed.

  2. For Find Item, select the Category. Two custom field lists appear

  3. Select the custom field/s to search on


  4. In the Value field, enter the details to be searched

  5. Click inline_search.png to return a list of Customers/Items based on the custom field value entered

  6. Click the relevant Customer Name or Item number to assign it to the request.