KPI Reports

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are quantifiable measurements of performance used to define success factors, and indicate the progress towards organizational goals.  System KPI reports are designed to provide a measure of the service and support operation success relative to management of requests over a period of time. Reports can be queried on any date range, up to 31 days.


Manager and Supervisor Users can generate these metrics on a  weekly or monthly basis.


KPI Reports can be generated for:

KPI Reports


Total Requests

The number of requests included in the date range queried.

Total New

The number of newly created  requests included in the date range queried.

Total Resolved

The number of requests resolved during the date range queried.


The number of days included in the report.

New Requests/Day

The number of requests handled per day.


The number of requests resolved per day.

Resolved Same Day

The number of requests that were resolved on the same day that they were created. This is based on the calendar date of the original request, logged in the timezone of the server that hosts the system.

Resolved On Spot

The number of requests resolved by the Technician, within 10 minutes of being opened.

Spot Rate %

Percentage of requests resolved on-the-spot against the total number of Incidents.

Mean Resolution Time

The average time, calculated in minutes, it takes to resolve requests over the date range queried.

via Email

The number of requests created via email.

via Portal

The number of requests created by Customers via a portal, including any requests created by web services.

via Phone

The number of requests created in the User Portal for Customers by Technicians.

via Web Services

The number of requests created using Web Services for Customers.

via Widget

The number of requests created by Customers using the system Widget.

SLA Achieved

The number of requests that met SLA targets.

SLA Breached

The number of requests that breached SLA targets.

Resolution Layer 0

The number of requests resolved at the point of request creation or for requests that are resolved with no time recorded against them.

Resolution Layer X

The number of requests resolved at the Layer of escalation shown.