2.0 Overview

Micro Focus Storage Manager introduces management and structure to an unmanaged and unstructured network storage system. In the process, it automates the full life cycle management of user and group storage. Leveraging directory services (commonly referred to as “the directory”), Storage Manager automates a comprehensive set of storage management tasks based on events, identity, and policies.

The Directory

NetIQ eDirectory stores the identity information about the users and groups that Micro Focus Storage Manager manages. When Storage Manager is installed, it adds or modifies user and group attributes so that they can be managed through Storage Manager.


When a user or group is created, moved, renamed, or deleted, it is known as a directory “event.”


Policies within Storage Manager indicate what storage-specific actions to enact when an event in eDirectory takes place. These actions include creating user storage when a new user is added to eDirectory, moving storage when a user is moved from one organizational unit or group to another, and archiving or deleting storage when a user is removed.

Micro Focus Storage Manager for eDirectory lets you create the following types of policies:

User Home Folder: Manages home folders for users who access their storage from an assigned user workstation.

Container: Manages the users located in an organizational unit.

Group: Manages the users that are members of a group.

Auxiliary: Manages additional storage that you can create automatically in association with a User Home Folder policy.


The Engine performs actions based on events in eDirectory and the defined Storage Manager policies. These include provisioning, moving, grooming, deleting, renaming, and vaulting in the file system. There is only a single Engine per directory tree.

Event Monitor

The Event Monitor monitors changes to eDirectory based on create, move, rename, and delete events. Event monitors should be configured to monitor at least one server per eDirectory partition ring that you care about. That is, servers that hold a replica for each eDirectory partition that contains objects that you wish to receive event data about and for which Storage Manager will consequently manage storage.

NOTE:As a best practice, install two Event Monitors per replica ring.


Agents perform copying, moving, grooming, deleting, and vaulting through directives from the Engine. For optimum performance, Agents should be installed on all servers with storage managed by Micro Focus Storage Manager.