12.1 Search Index

Path: Port 8443 Search Appliance Console Configuration Icon > Search Index

Table 12-1 Using the Search Appliance dialog

Field, Option, or Button

Information and/or Action

Manage Search Index

  • Use the Following Language for Stemming

  • Set this to the language used by most of your users for TeamWorks exchanges.

    Words of other languages will still be indexed, but search results are optimized for the language specified.

  • Perform Full Reindex Now

IMPORTANT:As a best practice, reindexing should be performed during times when TeamWorks activity is minimal, such as at night or on weekends. If it must be done during regular work hours, you can choose to allow or block access as explained below.

  • Selecting Perform Full Reindex Now and clicking OK launches the reindexing process. Status of the operation displays in the dialog until the process concludes, at which point any indexing errors are noted.

    • Online (Allow user access during reindex)

      Although users can continue to use TeamWorks there are costs in terms of additional time required to complete the reindexing operation as well as performance hits.

      WARNING:You must have at least the amount of free disk space on /vastorage as the search index currently occupies.

      For example, if /vastorage is 100 GB and 25 GB are in use, then performing online reindexing is a viable option.

      On the other hand, if 55 GB are in use, there is insufficient free disk space.

      If disk space requirements are not met, the server will reach a disk full condition and go out of commission.

      You will then need to shut down TeamWorks and perform an offline full reindex to restore TeamWorks services.

    • Offline (Block user access during reindex)

      User access to TeamWorks is blocked and access attempts are answered with messages indicating that the system is undergoing maintenance.

      The advantage to this option is that reindexing is performed much more quickly and requires substantially fewer system resources. Therefore, this is generally preferred unless system access is critical and/or lack of TeamWorks access would have a detrimental effect on the organization.

OK button

  • Click this to save your changes and launch the reindexing process if so specified.

Cancel button

  • Click this to cancel the changes you have made.