Novell Vibe Desktop Readme

June 12, 2012

1.0 Product Overview

Novell Vibe Desktop enables you to synchronize your Novell Vibe files with the file system on your computer, then modify the files without accessing the Vibe site directly. Additions and modifications are synchronized between Vibe and your computer.

2.0 Vibe Desktop System Requirements

2.1 On Windows

Vibe Desktop is supported for the following versions of the Windows operating system:

  • Windows XP SP3 32-bit or later

  • Windows Vista SP2 32-bit or 64-bit or later

  • Windows 7 SP1 32-bit or 64-bit or later

The Vibe system that you connect to must be Novell Vibe 3.3 or later.

2.2 On Mac

Vibe Desktop on Mac requires Mac OS X 10.6 64-bit or later.

The Vibe system that you connect to must be Novell Vibe 3.3 or later.

3.0 Vibe Desktop Issues

3.1 Team Workspaces within a User’s Home Workspace Are Synchronized Twice

If a user has a team workspace within his or her home workspace (the home workspace is called My Workspace), the files in the team workspace might be synchronized to the desktop twice. This happens when users select to synchronize My Workspace, and then under My Teams select the workspace that is a sub-workspace to the user’s home workspace. If Vibe Desktop is configured in this way, Vibe Desktop maintains two separate copies of the files in the workspace.

3.2 The Vibe Desktop Folder Cannot Be Configured to the Same Network Location on Multiple Computers

When selecting a location for the Vibe Desktop folder, you should not configure Vibe Desktop on multiple computers to use the same shared location on the network. This is because Vibe Desktop does not synchronize files properly if two instances are synchronizing to the same shared location, even if the instances are not running simultaneously. Because of this, it is best to always avoid configuring the Vibe Desktop folder to be on a network drive.

3.3 Vibe Desktop Does Not Work When the Vibe Server Is Configured with Windows Authentication

If your Vibe server is configured with Windows Authentication, Vibe Desktop cannot synchronize files on your Vibe site because of a port conflict.

For information about how to work around this issue, see Configuring Integrated Windows Authentication to Support Vibe Desktop and the Vibe Add-In in the Novell Vibe 3.3 Administration Guide.

For more information about configuring Windows Authentication for your Vibe site, see Configuring Single Sign-On with Internet Information Services for Windows in the Novell Vibe 3.3 Installation Guide.

4.0 Vibe Desktop Documentation

For information on how to install, configure, and use Vibe Desktop on your computer, see the Vibe Desktop for Windows Quick Start or the Novell Vibe Desktop for Mac Quick Start.

For a list of frequently asked questions regarding Novell Vibe Desktop, see the Vibe Desktop FAQ.

For information on how to enable or disable Vibe Desktop, as well as perform other administrative functions, see Configuring Vibe Desktop and the Microsoft Office Add-In in the Novell Vibe 3.3 Administration Guide.