8.4 Collection

You can view a device’s collection role properties, including its current status, parent URLs, and collection schedule; however, you cannot edit the fields on this page.

ZENworks Configuration Management lets your ZENworks administrator enable the Collection role on a device. This improves information roll-up access for a group of devices and minimizes traffic to the ZENworks Primary Server that is hosting the ZENworks database. The information that is rolled up includes device inventory information, messages (errors, warning, informational, and so forth), and policy and bundle statuses. Your administrator controls whether or not your device is a Collection Point.

To view collection role information:

  1. Double-click the icon in the notification area.

  2. In the left navigation pane, under Satellite, click Collection.



    Current Status

    Displays whether your device is currently configured to function as a Collection Point.

    Parent URLs

    Displays the URL for this device’s parent ZENworks servers.

    Collection Schedule

    Displays how often the collected data is rolled up from the devices that use it as a collection device. Your ZENworks administrator can change this collection schedule.

    Files Waiting to be Uploaded

    Displays any files waiting to be uploaded and specifies the sender, type and filename.

    Clients Uploading to this Satellite Collection Point

    Lists any clients that can upload files to this device.