
This command logs into the Orchestrator Server.


zosadmin login			[--grid=] [--id=] [--rmiport=] [--rmipath=]
			[--rmihost=] [--rmiurl=] [--timeout=] [--user=]
			[--passwd=] [--check=] [serverhost]


server host

Enter the server host name that you are logging into. The command polls for a server if none is supplied.


-g, --grid

Select by grid name.

-i=, --id=

Select by kernel ID.

-P=, --rmiport=

Select by RMI port.

-J=, --rmipath=

Select or specify the RMI bind path.

-H=, --rmihost=

Select/specify RMI host (can be different from server host).

-r=, --rmiurl=

Select by full RMI URL.

-t, --timeout

Sets the query timeout (in seconds).

-u, --user

Username used in accessing secure remote sites.

-p, --passwd

Password used in accessing secure remote sites.

-c, --check

Turn on debug output.

-V, --debug

Turns on verbose output during the login operation.

-v, --verbose

Turns on verbose output during the login operation.

-h, --help

Display a help message for this operation.