If there is only one server in the Management Zone, all ZENworks services are automatically started after the data is successfully migrated to an Oracle database.
If there are multiple servers in the Management Zone:
From the device where you ran the migration utility, copy the following files and paste them in the appropriate directory, on all other Primary Servers:
Ensure that these files have appropriate rights. The files are located in the following path:
Windows: ZENworks_installation_path\conf\datamodel
Linux: /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks/datamodel
Ensure that you run permissions.sh script located at /opt/microfocus/zenworks/bin on the Linux server after copying the above listed files.
Run the microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateOSPProperties command.
Run the following command on all the content servers:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c GenerateContentDatasourceConfigureAction
Start all the ZENworks services on all the ZENworks Servers in the Management Zone.
On Windows:
Execute the following command at the server prompt:
microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start
Enter the number next to the Start action.
On Linux:
Execute the following command at the server prompt:
/opt/microfocus/zenworks/bin/microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start
Enter the number next to the Start action.
The ZENworks Server now points to the new database.
For the Oracle 11g database, any administrator name is case sensitive, including login names from user sources. The default ZENworks administrator account automatically created during installation uses an initial capital, so in order to log into ZENworks Control Center, you must enter Administrator.
If your zone has ZENworks Reporting, then you must run the ZENworks Reporting Configuration Tool to point to the newly migrated Oracle database.