1.1 Changes in the Primary Server Upgrade or Migration Process

As ZENworks aims to adopt a more robust and flexible architecture, and to align itself with the Micro Focus standards, some enhancements have been introduced to the Upgrade process in the ZENworks 2020 Update 2 release. Though the procedure to upgrade to ZENworks 2020 Update 2 essentially remains the same, as in the previous release version, some of the significant changes introduced in this release are as follows:

Requirement to install Docker and Docker Compose on a Linux Server: Before upgrading or installing ZENworks 2020 Update 2 on a Linux Primary Server, you are required to install Docker and Docker Compose on the server. This is not applicable for an Appliance server. For more information, see Installing Docker and Installing Docker Compose.

Migration of server data to new file path: After upgrading to ZENworks 2020 Update 2 on a Windows, Appliance or a Linux Primary Server, ZENworks Server data such as MSIs, RPMs, logs, and configuration files that were earlier in the Novell file path will be moved to the new Micro Focus file path.

Upgrade all Primary Servers before configuring the Antimalware Database: Antimalware is a new component of ZENworks Endpoint Security beginning in ZENworks 2020 Update 2. If you intend to activate the Antimalware entitlement in Endpoint Security Management and configure the Antimalware Database, you need to update all Primary Servers in the zone before configuring this database.

This requirement is only when using the Antimalware Database, which is needed if you want to monitor malware status and Antimalware Agent activity on the dashboard or from the device Antimalware page. You can still activate Antimalware, configure the Antimalware Server and Ondemand Content Master, and deploy the Antimalware Enforcement policy to protect devices, without upgrading all servers, as long as you do not configure the Antimalware Database.

For more information about Antimalware, see the ZENworks Endpoint Security Antimalware Reference.

Renaming of ZENworks Server services: After upgrading to ZENworks 2020 Update 2 on a Windows, Appliance or a Linux Primary Server, certain ZENworks Server services such as ZENserver service, ZENloader service and ZENjoinproxy service, will be renamed from Novell to Micro Focus.

A list of all the changes introduced in the upgrade process in the ZENworks 2020 Update 2 release, are as follows:

Change Categories

Primary Server on Linux and on Appliance

Primary Server on Windows

New prerequisites

Install Docker v19.x or higher (not applicable for Appliance)

Not Applicable

Install Docker Compose v1.x (not applicable for Appliance)

Not Applicable

(Conditional) If you are using a shared content repository, mount the content repository to the new Micro Focus location. Example: /var/opt/microfocus/zenworks/content-repo

(Conditional) If you are using a shared content repository, mount the content repository to the new Micro Focus location. Example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\zenworks\content-repo

Renaming of ZENworks Server services

NOTE:From this release onwards, ZooKeeper will run as a separate service and not within the ZENserver service.

ZENworks Server services are renamed by prefixing them with Micro Focus instead of Novell.


novell-zenserver service is now renamed to microfocus-zenserver service

novell-zenloader service is now renamed to microfocus-zenloader service

novell-zenjoinproxy service is now renamed to microfocus-zenjoinproxy service

NOTE:Services related to the ZENworks agent will retain the Novell naming convention. For example, novell-zenworks-xplatzmd.service will not be renamed.

The zenpostgresql.service will also retain the Novell naming convention.

ZENworks Server services are renamed by prefixing them with Micro Focus instead of Novell.


Novell ZENworks Server service is now renamed to Micro Focus ZENworks Server.

Novell ZENworks Join Proxy service is now renamed to Micro Focus ZENworks Join Proxy

Novell ZENworks Services Monitor service is now renamed to Micro Focus ZENworks Services Monitor

Novell ZENworks Loader service is now renamed to Micro Focus ZENworks Loader

NOTE:Services related to the ZENworks agent will retain the Novell naming convention. For example, the Novell ZENworks Agent Service will not be renamed.

The ZENworks Embedded Datastore-PostgreSQL will retain the Novell naming convention.

New location for server related files and data

Server related files and data will now be available in the new Micro Focus location, while the agent related files and data will be retained in the old Novell location.


Log Files: The log files that were earlier in : /var/opt/novell/logs/zenworks will now be available in /var/opt/microfocus/logs/zenworks

Configuration Files: The configuration files that were earlier in : /etc/opt/novell/zenworks will now be available in /etc/opt/microfocus/zenworks

Libraries: The libraries that were earlier in : /opt/novell/zenworks will now be available in /opt/microfocus/zenworks

NOTE:The location of the ZENworks agent files will be retained in the old Novell file path. For example, configuration files related to the ZENworks agent data will be retained in /etc/opt/novell/zenworks.

Server related files and data will now be available in the new Micro Focus location, while the agent related files and data will be retained in the old Novell location.


Log Files: The log files that were earlier in C:\Program Files (x86) \Novell\ZENworks\logs will now be available in C:\Program Files(x86)\Micro Focus\ZENworks\logs

Configuration Files: The configuration files that were earlier in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\conf will now be available in C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\ZENworks\conf

Libraries: The libraries that were earlier in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\lib will now be available in C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\ZENworks\lib

NOTE:The location of the ZENworks agent files will be retained in the Novell file path. For example, configuration files related to the ZENworks agent data will be retained in C:\Program Files (x86)\Novell\ZENworks\conf.

Introduction of a new environment variable

Not Applicable

A new environment variable %ZENSERVER_HOME% has been introduced that points to the new Micro Focus file path C:\Program Files (x86)\Micro Focus\ZENworks.

The existing environment variable %ZENWORKS_HOME% is still applicable to access the ZENworks agent data, which is retained in the Novell file path.

Renaming of Configure actions

Configure actions have been renamed from Novell to Micro Focus. However, the configure actions that follow the Novell naming convention are still available.

For example, the configure action novell-zenworks-configure -c Start is now renamed to microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

Configure actions have been renamed from Novell to Micro Focus. However, the configure actions that follow the Novell naming convention are still available.

For example, the configure action novell-zenworks-configure -c Start is now renamed to microfocus-zenworks-configure -c Start

Running the Cleanup Utility

After upgrade, the ZENworks server configuration will be copied from the old Novell file path to the new Micro Focus file path. However, the ZENworks server binaries and old configuration in the old file path is retained during the upgrade process. You can run the cleanup utility provided with the build, to remove the retained server data.

For more information, see Running the Cleanup Utility on a Linux or Appliance Server

After upgrade, the ZENworks server configuration will be copied from the old Novell file path to the new Micro Focus file path. However, the ZENworks server binaries and old configuration in the old file path is retained during the upgrade process. You can run the cleanup utility provided with the build, to remove the retained server data.

For more information, see Running the Cleanup Utility on Windows Server