15.1 Migration Process Workflow

This section explains about the high-level workflow that you need to perform while migrating from a Windows Primary Server to Appliance using the migration tool. Perform the following steps to migrate the Windows Primary Server to Appliance:

  1. Backup the data from Windows Primary Servers and copy the backed-up files to a USB or a network share.

  2. Shutdown the Windows server after taking the backup.

  3. Deploy a new ZENworks 23.4 Appliance. Configure ONLY the OS part. Do not configure ZENworks.

  4. Copy the backups created in step 1 onto the appliance.

  5. Perform the restore process on appliance.

Once the restoration process is done, the migration process is completed.

NOTE:The time taken for the backup and restore steps depends on the hardware configuration and the size of the data on your Primary Servers.

Ensure that you have sufficient disk space available on the Primary Server to store the backed-up data. The required disk space depends on the size of the backed-up files. The appliance should have a free disk space of at least more than twice the size of backup_zips folder saved on Windows Primary Server.