From ZENworks 24.2 release onwards, the support for Windows server as ZENworks Primary Server has been stopped. ZENworks 23.4 (released Nov 2023) is the last version that will support the installation and running of the ZENworks Primary Server on a Windows Server.
Now, you will have two options for running the ZENworks Primary Servers:
ZENworks Appliance: This is a SUSE Linux appliance that can run on hypervisors.
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: You can install the ZENworks Primary Server directly on SLES
There are several factors involved in this decision:
Windows Server is the least used of the three platforms supported for ZENworks Primary Servers and the number continues to decrease. This is primarily due to customer adoption of the ZENworks Appliance, which has equivalent performance to Windows Server with the advantages of having a much easier platform upgrade process and no operating system licensing costs.
ZENworks has made server-side improvements based on Docker containers that are only available on Linux platforms. These improvements will provide a simpler and more reliable ZENworks installation, upgrade, and system update experience.
Focusing on the Linux platform provides faster implementation of enhancements and greater reliability for customers, as well as supports our ongoing journey to provide a Cloud offering.
You will now have two options for running your ZENworks Primary Servers:
The ZENworks Appliance: This is a SUSE Linux appliance that can run on the following hypervisors:
VMWare esxi
Microsoft Hyper-V Serve
Citrix Hypervisor (formerly XenServer)
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server: You can install the ZENworks Primary Server directly on SLES.
It is recommended that you migrate your Windows Primary Servers to the ZENworks Appliance. There are no additional licensing costs for the ZENworks Appliance. The SUSE Linux version on which the Appliance is built is included free of charge.
Also, OpenText has released a ZENworks 23.4 ISO, a ZENworks 23.4 Appliance, and a migration too (zenserver migration tool) to help automate the migration process. The zenserver migration tool helps you to migrate the Windows Primary Server to Appliance. If you do not want to use the migration tool, you can follow the steps in the Moving from a Windows or Linux Primary Server to Appliance documentation to perform the migration manually.
The ZENworks 23.4 release is the last version that supports Windows Primary Server, and the support for ZENworks 23.4 will be available until November 30, 2026. For more information, see Product Support Lifecycle. You can remain on ZENworks 23.4 and receive support until that date. However, new features and functionality introduced in ZENworks 24.2 and newer versions will not be made available in the older versions.
Yes, the ZENworks license allows you to install systems utilities, resource management software, antivirus software, or similar software used solely for the purpose of administration, performance enhancement, and/or preventive maintenance of ZENworks (“Support Software”).” The license states:
ZENworks may include components of the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server product (SLES). Licensee acknowledges and agrees to the following restriction with respect to use of SLES: notwithstanding the license grant in the SLES end user license agreement that may accompany the copy of SLES Licensee received with the Licensed Software, Licensee agrees to use such SLES solely for the purpose of running ZENworks and not as a general purpose operating system. The Licensee is permitted to install systems utilities, resource management software, antivirus software or similar software used solely for the purpose of administration, performance enhancement, and/or preventive maintenance of ZENworks (“Support Software”) If Licensee did not receive a copy of the SLES end user license agreement, it can be found at
If you are not a Linux guru, it is strongly recommend that you use the ZENworks Appliance. The Appliance Console includes tools to help you manage the appliance without needing extensive Linux knowledge. In addition, the ZENworks Appliance documentation helps you perform common management tasks.
When you update from ZENworks 23.4 to a newer ZENworks version (i.e. ZENworks 24.2), the System Update checks for Windows Primary Servers in your zone. If a Windows Primary Server is detected, the update stops. You will need to move all Primary Servers to the ZENworks Appliance or SLE Servers before updating.
NOTE:ZENworks 23.4 is a mandatory version, meaning you must install 23.4 before updating to ZENworks 24.2 (or newer versions). You cannot update directly from ZENworks 23.3 (or older versions) to a ZENworks 24.2 version.
No. PostgreSQL, MS SQL, and Oracle are still supported.
No. This only affects platform support for ZENworks Primary Servers. Windows managed devices continue to be supported.
No. This only affects platform support for ZENworks Primary Servers. Windows Satellites continue to be supported.
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