
The following document provides information on the technical capabilities and deployment of the native mobile SENSE app to devices based on the best practices documented by the AppConfig Community. Reference EMM vendor specific setup documentation available on the AppConfig Community site for details on how to configure each of these capabilities with the EMM vendor of your choice.

App Deployment

EMM solutions have the capability to deploy native applications that live on the public app stores to devices. Operating systems such as iOS, Android, and Windows provide EMM vendors native built-in APIs as part of the MDM “Mobile Device Management” protocols documented by the operating systems to make this possible. Using this capability, the SENSE app that is in the public app store can be installed automatically or via a self-service catalog with EMM platforms participating in AppConfig Community. Alternatively, some customers may choose to build a custom app built using the development platform. In this case, the resulting app will likely be deployed as an internal or in-house app. EMM vendors participating in AppConfig Community have the capability to deploy these types of apps as well.

App Configuration

For some customers, the first time they use the SENSE application they need to specify the domain of the endpoint server, its username and / or an enrollment code. EMM vendors participating in the AppConfig Community have the ability to auto-configure these settings. The end user no longer has to input these values themselves. Please refer to the matrix below for more information.

Table 1. Key-Value Pairs
Key Value


Full URL of the server’s entry point which must include the scheme, authority and path. For example:


Username suffixed by the domain name if required by the server. For example:


Valid enrollment code generated by the server for the given username. For example: DMS5-GFA2.