1.46 Full Text Search Options

A variety of search options, including the ability to search using terms or phrases, can be used to find information in the Knowledge Base or using any full text search fields included in system search screens. Search options include:

  • A single character wildcard search using the ? symbol

  • A multiple character wildcard search using the * symbol

  • A fuzzy search using the tilde, ~, symbol at the end of a single word. For example, to find words similar to roam, enter roam~ and this will return terms like foam and roams.

When searching using a phrase, the group of words need to be entered in the Text field within double quotation marks, for example, "user account access". Complex searches can be conducted using a combination of phrases or terms with boolean operators and all search results are relative to the Team assignment of the User or Item ownership for a Customer.

The boolean operators (i.e., AND, NOT, OR, +) must be entered as uppercase letters. For example:

  • "user" OR "account" returns results related to either word

  • "user" AND "account" returns results with both words

  • "user" NOT "account" returns results including "user" but not "account"

  • +user account returns results that must contain "user" and may contain "account"

To further control the boolean logic, more complex searches can be conducted. For example, to search for either "user" or "account" and "access", the search words would be entered as: (user OR account) AND access. This will return results where "access" must be included, while either term of "user" or "account" is found.

Wildcards can be used to replace single character '?' and multiple characters '*' in search terms. For example, te?t, test* or te*t. Wildcards can not be used as the first character of a search.

Escape character searches are also supported in the system and include: + - & || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \

NOTE:Search with ( ) { } [ ] : ^ characters might not display proper results.

1.46.1 Field Searches

Within the system full text searches can be conducted on specific fields, these include:

Search Screen



Subject, description, notes, attachments and solution.


Number, itemtype, category, attachments and notes.

Knowledge Base

Title, summary, body, attachments, itemtype, classification, and custom1-5.


Title, content and author (last name).

To search on a specific field, within the Term or All Text field enter the name of the field to be searched on followed by a colon and the term or text. For example, if searching for a specific Title, the Term or All Text search field would be completed as follows for the various search types:

  • single word search - title:canceled

  • phrase search - title:"canceled ticket"

  • multiple word search - title:canceled OR title:ticket.