D.0 Understanding Communication between ZENworks Components in Multi-Locale Environment

If you choose to run the ZENworks Primary Server, ZENworks Control Center, and ZENworks Adaptive Agent on operating systems with different locales, review the following points to understand the communication behavior between ZENworks components:

  • ZENworks 11 extends support to the following languages:

    • Single-byte languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish

    • Double-byte languages: Chinese-Traditional, Chinese-Simplified, and Japanese

  • ZENworks Primary Server is language independent. It can render messages in all the languages supported by ZENworks.

  • It is recommended to launch ZENworks Control Center in the same locale as the operating system locale of the management console.

    For example, if the operating system locale of the management console is German, you must launch ZENworks Control Center in German.

    You can choose to launch ZENworks Control Center in a locale different from the operating system of the management console only if the device has the necessary language support packs installed.

  • ZENworks 11 uses UTF-8 encoding for ZENworks textual messages and local encoding for standard Windows messages. If ZENworks Control Center is launched in a locale that is different from the operating system locale of the ZENworks Adaptive Agent, the ZENworks messages that are sent by the agent are only translated and displayed in the ZENworks Control Center locale. The standard Windows messages are displayed in the operating system locale of the management console.

    For example, assume that the operating system locale of the ZENworks Adaptive Agent is German and the operating system locale of the management console is French. If you choose to launch ZENworks Control Center in French, the ZENworks messages from the agent are displayed in French and not in German in ZENworks Control Center. The Windows messages sent from the agent are displayed in French.

  • During Remote Management sessions and Remote Management operations that are triggered by the ZENworks Icon, all messages and user prompts are displayed on the managed device in the language of its operating system locale. During a Remote Management session, the keystrokes are translated according to the management console keyboard; the agent simulates the virtual key codes it receives from the viewer.

    If the operating system locale of the managed device is a single-byte locale supported by ZENworks, you can choose to launch Remote Viewer in any single-byte locale supported by ZENworks. For example, if the locale of the operating system of the managed device is French, you can launch the Remote Viewer in any of the following locales: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish.

    If the operating system locale of the managed device is a double-byte locale supported by ZENworks, you must launch ZENworks Control Center in the same double-byte locale as the operating system locale of the management console, or in English. For example, if the locale of the operating system of the managed device is Japanese, you must launch the Remote Viewer in either Japanese or English.

    Table D-1 Supported Compatibility Matrix between the Operating System Locale of the Managed Device and ZENworks Control Center Locale

    Operating System Locale of the Managed Device

    Remote Viewer Locale

    English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish

    English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, or Spanish


    Chinese-Simplified or English


    Chinese-Traditional or English


    Japanese or English