3.1 Understanding the Bundle Page

The Bundles page displays the following information:

  • Status: Gives a quick indication of message logging and enforcement status of the bundle. The status icons are:

    • Normal or Enforced Status icon - No warning or error messages; bundle enforcement succeeded
    • Warning or Enforced Status icon - Warning messages; bundle enforcement succeeded
    • Error or Enforced Status icon - Error messages; bundle enforcement failed
  • Name: Displays the object’s (bundle, bundle group, or the bundle folder) name. Click the name to view or edit the object’s information.

  • Type: Displays the type of the object. For example, a Folder, Bundle Group, Windows Bundle, Linux Bundle, or Preboot Bundle.

  • Category: Displays the bundle category selected during the creation of the bundle.For example, Copy Directory.

  • Enabled: Displays whether the bundle is enabled to be deployed on a device or not. The possible values are Yes and No.

  • Version: Displays the latest published version of the bundle. However, if the bundle is a sandbox-only bundle, it displays Sandbox.

  • Has Sandbox: Displays whether the bundle has a sandbox or not. The possible values are Yes and No.