Software Collections

The Software Collections page shows existing software collections and allows you to manage those collections. With software collections, you can group software products together and count them as one product suite.



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Create a software collection

  1. Click New > Software Collection.

  2. Follow the on-screen prompts. Click the Help button if you need additional information.

Filter the Software Collections list

  1. In the Search panel, specify the criteria to use for filtering the list:

    Name: Specify the text that the software collection name must include. This is a partial match field that is case-insensitive.

    Type: Select to match software collections, folders, or both.

    Platform: Select the platform (Windows or Mac) to match.

    Include Subfolders: Select this option to search the current folder and its subfolders.

  2. Click Search to apply the search criteria and filter the list.


Create a folder

  1. Click New > Folder.

  2. Specify a folder name.

  3. Specify a path.

  4. Click OK.


Move a folder or collection

  1. Select a folder or collection.

  2. Click Move.

  3. Specify a destination folder.

  4. Click OK.


Delete a folder or collection

  1. Select a folder or collection.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Click OK.

Deleting a folder deletes all the collections in that folder.

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