
The Details panel shows details about the application and the application recognition criteria. Make any changes, then click OK or Apply.

Application Naming

Displays the application’s manufacturer, name, and version. You can edit the values in the fields. Click OK or Apply to save the changes.

  • Manufacturer: Displays the manufacturer. You can change the manufacturer by specifying a new name or selecting one from the list, then clicking OK or Apply.

  • Application: Displays the name of the application. You can change the name of the application by specifying a new name in the Application field, then clicking OK or Apply.

  • Version: Displays the version of the application. You can change the version by specifying a new version number in the Version field, then clicking OK or Apply.

Application Recognition

Shows the window titles used for recognition purposes. Use the Add and Edit buttons to create a new title or edit an existing one. Use the Remove button to delete a title. Wildcard characters (*, ?) are accepted.

  • Window Title(s): Displays the window titles used for recognition purposes. Use the Add and Edit buttons to create a new title or edit an existing one. Use the Remove button to delete a title.

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