Add/Edit Device to Exclude from Encryption

To exclude a removable storage device from being encrypted, you create a device definition against which the ZENworks Endpoint Security Agent compares devices. The device being compared must match all criteria fields in the definition in order to be excluded from encryption. If the device does not provide data for a field that is required, or if the provided data is incorrect, the device does not match.

Name and Comment Fields

The Name field (required) and the Comment field (optional) are used only to identify the device in ZENworks Control Center. The fields are not used as match criteria by the ZENworks Endpoint Security Agent.

Recommended Fields

The fields on the Recommended tab are typically sufficient to use for the match criteria. As a best practice, we recommend that you use the fewest number of fields needed to accurately match the device. The more fields you use, the more restrictive the definition becomes.

The Manufacturer, Product, and Friendly Name fields are substring match. For example, “San”, and “SanDisk” both match all SanDisk devices while “SanDisk Cruzer” and “Cruzer” match all SanDisk Cruzer devices but excludes all other SanDisk devices.

The Serial Number, Vendor ID, and Product ID fields are exact match. Be aware that not all devices have unique serial numbers. To guarantee a unique match based on a serial number, use the Vendor ID and Product ID fields as well.

The Recommended fields are not case sensitive.

Advanced Fields

The fields on the Advanced tab can be used to refine the match criteria in order to isolate very specific devices. Use of these fields can literally restrict a device definition so that it only matches a single device on a specific USB port on a specific computer.

All of the Advanced fields are exact match. They are not case sensitive.

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