1.0 What’s New in ZENworks 2017

The following information describes the changes and enhancements in ZENworks 2017 Patch Management.

Removal of the Mandatory Baseline Feature: Mandatory Baseline became obsolete with the incorporation of patch policies in ZENworks 11 SP3. If you are still using baseline patches when you upgrade to ZENworks 2017, those patches will be converted to patch policies.

Refer to the information below for the changes you will see from mandatory baseline deprecation:

  • If any groups have an existing baseline when you access Patch Management for the first time, a one time notice informs you that the baseline feature is deprecated and baseline patches will be converted to patch polices.

  • Mandatory Baseline filter options are removed from the Search panel. You will not be able to filter on baseline patches.

  • Device assignments in bundles related to baseline patches are removed. When new patch polices are created from baseline patches, new relationships are created in the policies to ensure devices are still assigned the patches.

  • Mandatory Baseline Settings are removed from the Patch Management panel on the Configuration page.

  • Items related to baselines are no longer available in the Action menu when one or more patches are selected in the Patches page.

  • When accessing the Patch Management > Dashboard, the graph for Mandatory Baseline Compliance is no longer displayed.

  • Reports related to baseline patches are no longer provided in the ZENworks Reporting console.

  • Mandatory baseline audit events are no longer generated.

Migrating to Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM): ZENworks Patch Management added support for the Red Hat Subscription Management service, which is the latest model provided by Red Hat to register for Red Hat subscriptions. All Red Hat client subscriptions will be required to use RHSM by July 31, 2017.

RHSM is the preferred subscription service for Red Hat client systems, because it uses on-premises tools that are easy, flexible, and low-cost. RHSM is hosted on the cloud and is an efficient way to download only the software that is required.

For information on configuring RHSM, see Register for or Migrate to RHSM.

Removal of SLE 12 Network Credential Settings: Because SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) 12 products no longer require access to a subscription repository that requires credentials, the settings for entering network credentials in the ZENworks Patch Management Subscription Configuration for SLED12 and SLES12 have been removed. SLE 12 products automatically access updates.suse.com, which is protected by token, and authorized by the content delivery network (CDN).

Support Added for SLE 12 SP1 Patches: Support was added for SLE Service Pack 1 patches.

Enhanced Display for Patch and Not Patched Filters: Patched and Not Patched filter options in the Search pane now accurately display the total number of applicable devices* for each patch listed in the Patches page. In ZENworks 11 SP4 and earlier versions, if the check box for one of the two filter options was not selected, the column for that option would display zero for every patch on the page, regardless of the true number that would display if the filter option were selected.

* The sum of the two numbers displayed in the Patch and Non Patched columns for a given patch (row) equal the total number of devices applicable to that patch.